Live Bar, October 6th news Harland accepted an exclusive interview with The Daily Telegraph, talking about his game style and various feelings of winning the treble after joining Manchester City. The player said that he still had a long time to break Alan Shearer’s goal record, and now his biggest dream is to win the treble again.

“But when I didn’t score, people were more surprised than me. When the Norwegian media did not score, the title of the report was: No goal! I don’t want to complain about this. I signed to Manchester City to score goals, so this situation is also expected. I will still be the one who sent the ball to the goal gate.”

Harland has played 42 times in the Premier League and scored 44 goals. Alan Shearer’s goal record seems far away, but it seems that it is not the case in front of Harland? In response, the player said, “How long is my contract? 3 years and 10 months? So there is still time, isn’t there?”

However, to break the record in a short time, Harland said, “I didn’t say that! You can’t imagine. You have to think about the next game and consider this season. These things will not happen until a while later. But if I can stay in England for 15 years, then why not (break the record)? We will wait and see.”

“In the game, people usually criticize me for not touching the ball. I can withdraw and touch the ball several times, but I just wander there, stand there and do actions in my own world… it’s hard to explain, feeling that the soul has left my body, becoming a zombie is like being “distracted”, looking around and waiting for opportunities. When opportunities come, I know I must be prepared. However, I am still excited, but I can only run back and forth and observe where the ball goes and what may happen. It will have a feeling.”

In the face of a more rigorous focus this season, Harland said he felt it: “I feel that they have done more to stop me and more players are watching me, but it doesn’t matter, I don’t mind. This is a bigger challenge. If they let more players watch me, it means that my teammates have space elsewhere. It’s as simple as that, I just need to do my job well and continue to maintain my performance last season.”

Recalling the night when the the treble was captured, Harland was filled with emotion: “One of my biggest dreams in my life has finally come true. The Dream has really come true, do you know? I have always dreamed of this day, and now I have done it. This feeling is great, and I am so happy.”

“The most wonderful moment? The referee blew the final whistle for 30 seconds. I don’t know if I can experience this feeling again in my life. I hope so. This is the best feeling in my life. It is too unreal. I came here to win the Champions League. I said, we succeeded and got the treble. I think I changed the mode of play of Manchester City.”

“Manchester City won the Premier League championship, so I didn’t need to do much there, although I did a lot (36 goals), so I came here to provide them with a little extra motivation and make them the best team in the world.”

“There is a lot of pressure, because I have come to a new country, and all my eyes are focused on me. People are saying, ‘Can he perform well in the first year? He needs time’ and so on. But I proved that I could play directly and hand over a good report card. Pressure is great, but I like pressure.”

Speaking of the next goal after winning the treble, Harland said: “It is clear to me that the biggest dream now is to win the treble again. Imagine, it’s like I scored a goal. I like this feeling. I want to do it again. The same is true for winning the Champions League. I want to do it again. This is the motivation to win the game, I am more eager than any other time.”

Harland said he was “addicted” to scoring goals: “Scoring goals has a special feeling, which is so wonderful and difficult to explain. This feeling makes me want to score goals again and again. Sometimes it is more like a relief, do you know?”

“When we won the British overtime, we were relieved. We were under pressure from Arsenal all season, and Manchester City had won the Premier League championship for two consecutive years. If I came to the club, they didn’t win the Premier League championship, which made people think, ‘what are you doing? We were champions before you came, but now we didn’t win when you came! Therefore, winning the Premier League is a relief.”

Although Harland wanted to score goals very much, when talking about the happiness of assisting teammates, he still thought it was very interesting: “I also like assisting because I saw happiness in their eyes, this is beautiful. This is about winning, isn’t it? How did we win the Champions League because we won all the matches and the Premier League because we won more matches. We must score goals to win. In the final analysis, winning is the most important thing, winning the trophy is the most important thing, and this is what makes me happy.”
